Latest challenge

Latest challenge

My latest challenge is to repair a very old piano action called an overdamper.  Many sway away from repairing these types of actions because it’s so old and difficult.


When tuning a piano with such an action require more skill than usual you have to considder how to place the mute so you don’t damage the damper wires.

Historical piano

I have recently had the privilege to tune what i believe is a historical piano.  The age of the piano is about 150 years old as given by the client.  The remarkable thing about the piano is that it in 100% working condition and 100% tunable.  For that age i believe that the owner or owners took great care of the piano.  I will post a photo of the piano on Facebook on my group @pianowarrior.

I recently came across a much younger piano of which the parts were made of carbon fiber.  Some parts already deteriorated so much that it needed to be replaced.  Wood is still tops.

Exciting upcoming event

Pianowarrior is proud to announce an upcoming event for later this year.  I don’t just tune and repair pianos/  I’m also a organist at my local church.  In the last week i was asked by an opera singer to accompany him on the organ.  More details will be available at a later stage.

Since startup

Since startup Pianowarrior tuned and repaired piano’s at private clients, churches, schools, Old age homes (where i opted to tune for free) and guest houses.


Thanks for support


This year Pianowarrior will aim to grow and give quality service to existing and new clients with my new apprentice Sanette Oberholzer which is my mom.

Work done since startu

Since startup Pianowarrior was doing a lot piano tuning and piano repairs with great satisfied clients including private clients, schools, churches, old aged homes (where i opted to tune for free) and even guest houses.

I even have an apprentice which i’m proud to announce as my mother who help me a lot in growing the business.

Thanks for the support


This year Pianowarrior will strive to grow even bigger and provide quality service to all existing and new clients.